Accessories for the GX85 – Grip, Batteries and More

Bought your new camera and looking for the best Lumix GX85 grip? We’ve got you covered with this list of the most-requested accessories for the Panasonic GX85. Most would be great accessories for mirrorless cameras in general, but some are pretty specific to the GX85. Best Panasonic Lumix GX85 Accessories Because of the camera’s size, […]
Best Photo Spots in Myanmar

Myanmar (previously known as Burma) is full of mind-blowing places that are incredible for photography. There are thousands of temples, beautiful glassy lakes on which lie floating villages, and lush, green jungles. I’ve documented some of the best photo spots in Myanmar to help you plan your trip. I went to Myanmar in August 2016 […]
Great Places to Take Pictures in San Diego

San Diego is a beautiful and fun city and there’s a lot to do and see. So naturally, there are a lot of amazing places to take pictures in San Diego.
Honestly, whether you’re a tourist looking for some must-see places, a pro looking for photo shoot locations, or just a local looking for a great location for photowalk or stunning views, there’s something for you.
3 Ways to Find the Best Places for Photography While Traveling

The #1 reason I love travel is to seek out the best places for photography. I mean I love the food, and culture and people too but photography is a really big part of why I travel. [Title image of laptop and mug by David Joyce] Research for Travel Photography I love to shoot when I […]
These 3 Things Make Great Photos

There’s 3 important components to great photography. If you’ve been reading any photography guides at all, you probably think I’m talking about ISO, shutter speed and aperture. Not quite! That stuff is important – but all that gets you is a great exposure, not a great photo. You could take a perfect exposure of a sidewalk […]